Hanson's golden rule is to add value to whatever business he buys. 汉森的成功原则是不论收购什么样的企业都要使其增值。
The golden rule is never to clean a valuable coin. 重要的原则是决不清除贵重硬币上的污垢。
The golden rule in playing tennis is to watch the ball closely. 打网球最重要的一点就是紧盯着球。
Tell him not to be impatient. that's the golden rule in politics. 告诉他可别不耐心,这在政治上是特别重要的原则。
'With the aid of lies'to evade the important questions for the easy'is originally man's golden rule. 『无伤大雅』的小谎言,没有杀伤力吧!』,借助说谎『避重就轻』原来是男人的金科玉律。
There is no golden rule on what method would best suit a certain data movement. 对于哪种方法最适合某项数据转移任务,并没有绝对的规定。
Germans called it the golden rule, and initially tried to have it enshrined in the Maastricht treaty. 德国人奉之为金科玉律,最初还试图将其写入《马斯特里赫特条约》(Maastrichttreaty)。
It's more important than the golden rule. 这比黄金法则更重要。
The golden rule is where it all begins and ends. 其黄金法则就是它始于哪里,终于哪里。
I believe we may best describe his credo by saying that it approximates the Golden Rule. 我想,我们可以通过说它已经很接近金科玉律了来描述他的人生信条。
This is the Performance Golden Rule. 这是网站展示的黄金法则。
The golden rule in playing basketball is to watch the ball. 打篮球的金科玉律是盯着球。
In golf, the golden rule is to keep one's eye on the ball. 打高尔夫球时,必须牢记的要领是眼睛要紧盯着球。
Where is the desire to live by the golden rule and The Law of One? 那根据黄金规则和一的法则而生活的渴望在哪里?
Here is Hobbes'rewriting of the Golden Rule in terms of these laws of nature but these raise a question for us? as readers of Hobbes. 这里霍布斯从自然法的角度,重写的黄金法则,但是这给我们这些霍布斯的的读者们,带来了一个问题,对吧!
Unfortunately they did not follow the golden rule. 不幸的是,他们并没有这么做。
To put it bluntly, when we pass our stress on to others, we violate the Golden Rule. 说白了,就是当我们把压力传递给他人的时候,我们其实是违反了黄金法则。
In doing so, they followed the golden rule of tabloid journalism: simplify then exaggerate. 在宣传过程中,他们遵循了小报报道的黄金原则:简化,然后夸张。
His hometown, the underground city of Menzoberranzan, is a rough place, and his family achieved its position of power by adhering to the city's Golden Rule: Don't get caught. 他的家乡,地下城市魔索布莱城,是一个粗暴的地方,而且他的家族通过坚守城市的金箴规则:“不留活口”而取得了它的权力位置。
Christians call it the golden rule. 基督教徒称之为黄金准则。
The golden rule for working in any factory is to observe its safety regulations. 在任何工厂工作的首要原则是遵守安全规定。
The golden rule of teaching is to be clear. 明了简洁是教学的金科玉律。
"Time is life" is the golden rule to many doctors. “时间即生命”是许多医生的金科玉律。
For myself, I try to live the Golden Rule ( and fail often). 对于我自己,我一直遵从黄金准则(常常失败)。
The other means of implementing this golden rule is a social security system through which successive generations of taxpayers agree to support their elders. 执行这一黄金定律的另一种方式是建立一个社会保障体系,在该体系中,每一代纳税人都同意赡养上一代。
That is the golden rule of education, and a very difficult ride to follow. 这就是教育上的规律,一条很最难把握的规律。
The golden rule for after-dinner speeches is to keep them short and sweet. 发表餐后讲演的金科玉律是简明扼要。
Kant's categorical imperative and the Golden Rule address the situation. 康德的无条件道德律令以及黄金规则就表明了这种境遇。